19 maart - Hormonen in het vlees
[1]R.W. Stephany, F. André. Results of “hormone” residue analyses of bovine meat and liver originating from the USA domestic market. Second Interim Report. CRL document 389002 093 RIVM, Bilthoven 2000.
P.R. Kootstra, H.J. van Rossum, P.W. Zoontjes, P.L.W.J. Schwillens, K.L. Wubs, H.A. Herbold, R.W. Stephany, S.S. Sterk en L.A. van Ginkel. Hormonen in importvlees. Een evaluatie van recente gegevens over gehalten aan van nature voorkomende hormonen. RIVM rapport 310302002 / 2004.
Stephany RW ; Sterk SS ; van Ginkel LA. Tissue levels and dietary intake of endogenous steroids. An overview with emphasis on 17beta-estradiol. In: EuroResidue V. Global aspects of residues. Proceedings of the conference on residues of veterinary drugs in food, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, May 2004. Federation of European Chemical Societies, 2004;111-21
Hugh Galbraith. Hormones in international meat production: biological, sociological and consumer issues. Nutrition Research Reviews (2002), 15, 293–314
[2]Het gehalte 17-beta estradiol in Amerikaans rundvlees is gemiddeld 0.039 microgram per kg (Kootstra, RIVM 2004, zie boven). De dagelijkse inname uit een tablet is typisch 1 milligram, dat komt overeen met 25641 kg vlees.
[3]Troisi R. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev May 2003 12; 452: Cord “estradiol” (not specified alpha or beta) at delivery was 12 ug/L. Note that cord blood is mixed arterial maternal and venous fetal blood
Van de Beek C 2004. Abstract on Pubmed. cord blood 32-46 nM overeenkomend met 10 ug/L.
Anderson H. 2010 Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism: Cord blood E2 10067 (m) tot 18606 (f) pg/mL = 10-20 ng/mL = ca 15 ug/L.
[4]Ook de foetus en het vruchtwater bevatten veel estradiol:
Freeman R et al. Maternal plasma and amniotic fluid levels of estradiol, estrone, progesterone, and prolactin in early pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol 1984 : maternal blood contains 5 ug estradiol/L, amniotic fluid 0.4 ug/L.
Lutchmaya, Early Hum Development 2004, Abstract on PubMed. : in 2nd trimester amniotic fluid 1013 pmol estradiol/L = 0.3 ug/L.
Mazor M, Hershkowitz R, Ghezzi F, Cohen J, Silber A, Levy J, Leiberman JR, Glezerman M. Maternal plasma and amniotic fluid 17 beta-estradiol, progesterone and cortisol concentrations in women with successfully and unsuccessfully treated preterm labor. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 1996. plasma E2b estradiol was 3.5-8.0 ng/ml at 28-32 weeks and amniotic fluid 0.6-0.85 ng/ml.
Troisi R. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev May 2003 12; 452: Maternal “estradiol” (not specified alpha or beta) at delivery was 24 ug/L, cord blood contained 12 ug/L. Note that cord blood is mixed arterial maternal and venous fetal blood.
van de Beek C, Thijssen JH, Cohen-Kettenis PT, van Goozen SH, Buitelaar JK. Relationships between sex hormones assessed in amniotic fluid, and maternal and umbilical cord serum: what is the best source of information to investigate the effects of fetal hormonal exposure? Horm Behav. 2004 : maternal serum 3rd trimester estradiol 71-74 nM = 20 ug/L; amniotic esttradiol was 0.9-1.0 nM = 0.2-0.3 ug/L. In cord blood they find 32-46 nM overeenkomend met 10 ug/L.
Er zijn wat aanwijzingen dat intrauterine blootstelling aan hogere estrogeenconcentraties geassocieerd is met borstkankerrisico (Ekbom, JNCI 1997), maar dan nog heeft vlees daarop nauwelijks effect. In Xue F, Michels KB. Intrauterine factors and risk of breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of current evidence. Lancet Oncol. 2007 wordt het niet genoemd.
According to Hartmann S, Food Chem 1998, Table 10, daily production of estradiol and estrone in humans is 50-600 ug/d, which dwarves intake from food
[5]Table 3 in Stephany RW ; Sterk SS ; van Ginkel LA. Tissue levels and dietary intake of endogenous steroids. An overview with emphasis on 17beta-estradiol. In: EuroResidue V. Global aspects of residues. Proceedings of the conference on residues of veterinary drugs in food, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, May 2004. Federation of European Chemical Societies, 2004;111-21
Malekinejad H, Scherpenisse P, Bergwerff AA. Naturally Occurring Estrogens in Processed Milk and in Raw Milk (from Gestated Cows). J Agric Food Chem 2006 : 10 ng/L of E2b in milk, high value being due to current practice of milking cows right through pregnancy.
[6]Stephany RW ; Sterk SS ; van Ginkel LA. Tissue levels and dietary intake of endogenous steroids. An overview with emphasis on 17beta-estradiol. In: EuroResidue V. Global aspects of residues. Proceedings of the conference on residues of veterinary drugs in food, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, May 2004. Federation of European Chemical Societies, 2004;111-21
[10]Herbst AL, Ulfelder H, Poskanzer DC. Adenocarcinoma of the vagina. Association of maternal stilbestrol therapy with tumor appearance in young women. N Engl J Med. 1971
Alternatieve berekening: totale opname van DES was 1.4-16.3 gram per zwangerschap (Giusti RM. Ann Intern Med 1995,. Gemiddeld gehalte estradiol in Amerikaans rundvlees is 0.039 microgram/kg. (P.R. Kootstra et al. RIVM rapport 310302002 / 2004, zie boven.) Stel 8 gram DES per zwangerschap, dat is 8 000 000 microgram/0.039 (ug/kg) = 200 miljoen kg per zwangerschap, dat is ca 1 miljoen kg per dag.
[13]Ladina Caduff. Growth Hormones and Beyond. Working Paper 8-2002, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Center for International Studies, P 24 : publicized regulatory failure in the field of hormone use led to a substantial decline of public trust in regulatory authorities, scientific enquiries, and agrobusiness. The hormone issue thus had a high potential to mobilize large numbers of consumers against hormone-treated meat. Through political initiatives, the BEUC and its member organizations were therefore successful to oblige the EU authorities to higher levels of protection than strictly necessary in terms of scientific evidence. Through media-effective campaigns and calls for boycotts, they were also able to intervene directly in market processes.
[14]Ladina Caduff. Growth Hormones and Beyond. Working Paper 8-2002, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Center for International Studies, p 13.(See reprint): By means of a general growth hormone ban, the Council sought to achieve three objectives: first, a reduction of the meat supply in the EU and, closely related, an implementation of envisaged subsidy reductions; second, improved competitiveness of traditional family-run farms; and third, an increase in beef sales and a stabilization of prices through restored consumer confidence in the quality of European beef .
P 14: The Council and the Commission supported the general ban primarily for economic and not public health reasons. By restricting the use of output-enhancing technologies, they sought to reduce the amount of agricultural output, stabilize the markets, and, related to that, reduce the CAP deficit..
[15]Over hormonale groeibevorderaars als symbool van industriële landbouw: Ladina Caduff. Growth Hormones and Beyond. Working Paper 8-2002, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Center for International Studies, p 19. Monsanto’s sales of growth hormones in the US, for example, were worth 8,65 billion Euros in 1995. 41 In the words of Cargill: “Pursuing the case of growth hormones is one situation, but there are a lot of others down the line. Bovine Somatropin (BST) and the whole issue of genetic engineering are right behind.” 42